What on earth just happened happened so fast gone so fast faster than the wind What am I expecting I guess it's this way I only have one wish don't feel bad about me let's not be angry with each other let us stay as good memories like a dream I'll always long for ****. I could have said goodbye first and not let you go through that but I can't bring myself to do it sorry I made you go through that that wasn't easy you're not a coward you're braver than I am you face reality head on while I run away I'll keep you in my heart as for that curse it was not true you made me feel alive again feel something love, hurt at least i feel something but I guess I failed coz I just made you numb I see things the way I want to see them hear things the way I wanna hear them but you made me hear and see what's real thank you for the memories. I won't love again. It's that lesson I'll make sure I learn this time. sleep tight. I hope you meet great people be what you wanna be soar as high as you should coz you're meant for that. I just hope to know you even for a day. thanks for staying for a while. I love you. goodbye.