Amour' I bow to thine feet, Amour' Mine heart and soul is for thee to keepeth, Amour' Mine minds tired, mine brains wired, Needing thy completion.... Agapi, When I sayeth I loveth thee, tis ******* truth!!!! الحب When I telleth thee I needeth thee, tis so more than anything thou kneweth!!! אוהב layeth down with me in ourn dreams tonight and sleep... Ai, I'm locking mine legs over yours, Laying on ourn side. Kissing thine forehead Saying goodnight. Stroking thy hair Hands pulling tight yet not to hard....... Scratching thy head from thy back of it Nails scratching far.... Thou turneth around To look into mine eyes, Ourn chests and heads art close together This moment we lose time... Ourn arms over another's shoulders Soul ******* covering... We kiss eachother's lips goodnight With ourn love We sleep and art smothering.. Though (not a bad smothering,)..... Just ourn warm breathe to meet the incense aroma room, No fakes to get between ourn own universe... Just ourn dreams, God, the sun, the moon Me and thou to.
In the beginnings of the sentences like amour or agapi in Greek. Or other words in beginning you don't know all mean love in diff languages thanks for reading..