Tis This is a dear dedication to a woman who's like an auntie to me Thou might knoweth her, Her name's (soul survivor) She understandeth me, As I understandeth her... She's a woman of pure love An angel not meant for ourn world.. As there art only few Angels left Who walk amongst as me She giveth thee all a message To love, Forgive and be free!!! I've seen so many tryeth to hurt her Because of their own misery and pain!!! Though I must sayeth that maketh her stronger So its best for the taunter's to go away!!! The one's who mock her Mock her for her spiritual belief!!! Her belief on showing love to even the hating one's To the liar's Pain bringer's And thieves... She's outspoken That's why me and her get along We're on the same page We playeth the same tune Of peace and kindness shown. Some calleth her a Jesus freak Though tis its (jesus) who forgives even those who hate, So before thyself picks on soul-survivor Taketh a look at thy own misery plate.. She giveth thee truth And thineself turneth away, We need more spirits like her For her to be displayed.... She hath many friends here Such as mine non-perfect self, But soul thou ever needeth a friend I'll be here for thee to help!!! As soo many seem to be quick to judgeth her Though they don't knoweth she's in mental pain because her wonderful mother is sick, So be not quick to judge An angel in thy presence... Soul, thou art like an auntie to me As I've said this before May God shine his light inside thee Let him walketh beside thee, Forgive and continue to love those lost and broken ones Who knoweth not thy souls real and for sure!!!!