How many mouths whispered silent prayer And sat in these halls wishing for god. How many lives were celebrated and mourned here. Unions made and broken. The family, the hearth, spirit, life and death. All flowed through here. Now it stands proud and open to the heavens. Holding the glory of what has been and is now.
Stone upon stone, Piece by piece until it was made That church that castle of the soul It stood, it stands, a monument to man, toil, sweat and reverence. Time honours it, blesses it. Now it is part with the land As it was always.
Do not look upon it for you may not see it's glory And a shame to miss and pass by and to not think what things happened here. What joys and sadnesses, What moments and sorrows it witnessed. Do not pass by but do not look either For we cannot imagine. To know The stories it holds and the memories it keeps.
I wrote this about an ancient church which stood in a Scottish valley with no roof. The roof had been gone for at least a century.