Too many devices for soul oats seeded in poor soil and bad reviews, a stinging blessing at wicked thoughts best. Pride turning on TV, caressing for an absent Love out of sight and mind. For the Roosters, Fear.
Combs without waivers, thinking, I will be Cockmeister here with cursing chicks and deceitful vanity, Evil errant.
Secret murders, and poor innocents wearing broken covenant, lured to an ant-lion's nest, sliding down Banker's drawers into earning crevices of Mr. Crouch, his curvaceous cushions hiding hard yearning.
Say Love is forgotten with a hidden face, because we'll never see with Chicken humility the forgotten Love given for free.
What kinda fried Chicken doesn't hate free Sauce you might ask? There's the poor commitment's rub, an Assistant father taken to task.
Violate his wicked arm. Search the veins of evil's grime until the forever King is found mysteriously without crime.
You've heard our heart headset's rumble, Oppressed orphan's plea given most humble.