We are both Gods creation Created to love and help one another White or black it doesn't matter Love supersedes all Let us come together as one Live as one Be happy as one Join hands to kick against racism
If you are black maybe your lover is white If you are white maybe your ancestors are black Let us say no to racism Let be best friends Love. Each other Marry each other Care for each other And help each other White man needs a black man A black man needs a white man Together. We can make this world a better place A place we can live a life worth living Send our kids to school worth going Fall in love with someone worth loving irrespective of the color
Am black and I wanna mary a white for real that's love If u r a white and wanna marry a black go ahead that's love for real Let's make this world better for our kids Better for our unborn kids War isn't going to be any good
We might have done so many things We might have heard so much about how our color as been treated At some point even I wished I was white cos it seems the black had no place on the planet earth My heart grows sick with hate, becomes as lead, For this my race that has no home on earth. Then from the dark depths of my soul I cry To the avenging angel to consume The white man's world of wonders utterly: Let it be swallowed up in earth's vast womb, Or upward roll as sacrificial smoke To liberate my people from its yoke
But one dream changed my mind The greatest dream ever dreamed by a man A black activist Martin luther king jr Today white walks among blacks and blacks walks among white White fall in love with blacks Blacks marry white That is love
Let us say no to racism and make the world a better place One love We are United We are one Black +White =Love and peace