Breathe in Breathe out Work hard Party harder Talk sweet Make love Forgive Forget Bear a little Then fight back Have some remorse But have no regrets Sing like no one's listening Dance like no one's watching Enjoy like there's no tomorrow Be a little serious once in a while Envy but don't copy Don't hope to get lucky Make your own luck Never give up Always be optimistic Take some risks Be bold in your choices Help a needy person Fall in love Be strong in the face of adversity You are best friend You are your worst enemy... ...Rest are mere hallucinations Have passion Don't let it overcome you Don't try to force respect... ...Earn it Travel around Read Try new recipes Fall And then get right back up Get in touch with your darker side Have the yearning for learning Dream big Almost everything is possible You just gotta think it first Don't do one-night stands... ...Do breakfast,lunch and dinner for an eternity While on Earth....give your best in every single thing you do Rest of the stuff will take care of itself