He delivered papers six days a week, then on Sundays his round was even longer. At one time he used to work nights as well, as a night watchman up at the TV mast. Getting paid to sleep!
Stanley grew up in the economically depressed 1930's, which I guess explains a lot.
I did a job for him once, and he settled up from a plastic bag of £1 coins he had been hiding under some old sacks in his shed.
He kept a tidy veggie garden, but was reluctant to spend any money on the house. The outside was shabby and the inside was spartan in the extreme.
Everyone liked Stanley though. He was always cheerful with a ready smile and wave. As the years passed I noticed with some sadness that he was struggling with a limp. Eventually of course, he went the way of all flesh.
Now the veggie garden is overgrown. The house is under offer. His boy has bought himself a big new 4x4 and is planning to build a house in Thailand with his new partner.