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Jun 2015
Extravagance is amusing
But oh! Mother
Glamour can never out power
Thy love, so sumptuous

Thy hugs and kisses
Have brought my peccant soul
Back to the place of its origin
I beg thou to pardon me
And consummate me
With your embrace, so sweet

The svelte Modus Vivendi
In which I was occupied
Its fraudulence I have realized
Oh! Dear father
I do not care about
Those puffy cushions
And velvet blankets
All I want is thy forgiveness
That’ll spread fragrance of bliss
Across my soul

For I have returned to my home,
Come rejoice
As thy daughter salvaged
Herself from a path
Laden with sinful gold

Sailed I have the sea of redemption
But my resolve would not
Purify without thy acceptance
Save me! My Guardians
And let me end my repentance
With the touch of thy affection.

~Manu M.
Manu M
Written by
Manu M
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