as in any artistic endeavor we encounter those who would hate no matter the level in which we are clever everything seems to be taken as bait – when I write, I am purging my emotions within any given moment, day or night; it is one of the few areas in which I experience “devotion” and I don’t judge my work as ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ – I consider myself something of an artist and that realm works wholly with perception never once have I made claim to be the smartest while it is pretty clear, I have my own direction – in short, if you don’t like my style of work just pass it by, there are many types here I see no reason to act like a ****-hurt **** just because to you, my message is unclear – So I will leave you for now, while you ponder this request and perhaps you will think more than just once for regardless of my writing, I live truly blessed and your attacks make you come off as a dunce –