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Jun 2015
You know most of us overlook the simple things in life
My hotel room here inMalta overlooks one of the swimming pools
Below I see a seething mass of over oiled humanity broiling  in the sun
Same time same place but they won't experience the things that I have
Because for the next week their whole world will be
The bar and the confines of THE POOL
Me, quite simple. I have 22 acres of beautiful gardens to explore
Every flower an art form in glorious colour
What normal person would shun such things
All around my  balcony I see sparrows
Drab little birds  seen the world over
When they perch on my fingers and peck breadcrumbs from the palm of my hand
A totally different perspective is revealed
Then the sparrow becomes beautiful
The delicate little claws tickling my fingers
Little sparkling black eyes searching out every tiny morsel
Simple things, simple pleasures
But these simple things will be
The treasured memories of my holiday
Simple things
Joe Cole
Written by
Joe Cole  Horsham Sussex
(Horsham Sussex)   
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