You sailed across the sea. Maybe you flew. Magnetic pull. Left blue mama.
Never coming home to me The government said you ain't coming in. Where you been son?
Unseen force. Wrapped in black. Probably not coming back. Clickety clack. 666 war is the devil. Devil's a beast.
Said you were leaving. Some where out there. Fighting unseen sin.
Sin is war. War that destroys. Your guns ain't plastic. Not big boys toys.
Is wicked. You know. War is spreading like butter on bread. Bang bang you're dead.
The bombs. The rockets. Warrior force. The cause of the war. Religion of course. Religion combined with oil and money.
Wrong wrong wrong. War portrayed in a beautiful song. Bang bang you're dead. Crashing words. Explosions. Lightning flashes. Dots and dashes. All In code. War sporting the mask. One ugly toad. (c)Livvi MMXV