Calleth thy wife a *****!? When she is thy wife!! Calleth her thine slave Tell her she doth nothing right Thou slappeth her To gain full control **** gets thy kicks doth thou? Technology got thee hooked As thou sayeth (,,oh welllll) Make her a bruting beast Telleth her to cook thy feast As other women thou shalt talk to Late at night!!!! Doth that seem right oh man???? Giveth her a rose When thou has cheated on her Try calling her a rose Even better Thine amour Telleth her thou wilt leave her If thou canst control Tell of murdering her When she finds out thou art a mut, pig and dog!!! Oh yes And before thy wedding Why did thyself except that bachelor party???? Because the other dogs pushed thou to do it? Or thine own decision? What in the world was thou thinking To see and look at and probably cheat with these women who doth not love thou....!!!! As on both ends Women do the same thing They cheat Haveth a fling Before their big vows What a vow that is eh Lovers!!!!! Man thou hast lost thyself Women thou hath lost one another...
For truth yes is harsh Yet harshly needs to be spoken..