I just saw a Man Who's Ego World Dwarf All the Republicans who Have put forth There announcement to run for the POTUS And the Wisdom he Espised from the podium Was shellacked with self spun bravada
His Claim to Fame in God's Name as The Worlds Greatest Job Provider Should in the Face of the Coming Race Provide such Political Fodder
America he Said from his Enormous Head Was nothing but a Nation of Stupid losers The only safe Haven and path to the future Was Guarded by a Caped Hero of the Dollar
In tights with a Diamond and T on his Chest Red white and Blue Cape He Knew what's Best He'd thru his vision change the Face of the World And as he comes up with one, his plan will unfurl
As I watched CNN with a Chortle and a Laugh If we Elect TRUMP for President its our own Gaff