To all the crushes. Hey! How are you doing? Shhh! don't answer. I know you're good; you always were. That's why I fell for you in the first place. We don't know each other. *You don't know me. You don't have to. trust me; fine, don't. I owe you, for all the butterfiles, and the clicks in my knees. I admit I am not romantic. I am in fact dull as a dust, but I have never found it hard, to praise you, or compliment your existence. Like your enchanting eyes or as I like to call them “The black hole phenomena” as they could capture time, never to let it go; Or the radiant smile fabricated by your perfectly carved teeth. But I chose to not talk about it, as it has been clichéd by many great poets. Remeber everytime you caught me staring and I made it look like I was not? Such a great actor I am, you gotta admit this. I always thought you had a slight clue. Meh! It doesn't matter anymore. And If you ever find about me (I know you won't), Just don't feel bad, or sad (I know you won't). Believe me, If the knot in my throat had allowed, I wouldn't be writing this. Instead, I would be singing this in my crocodile voice, as I then had not cared about anything, or anyone.