In a perfect world… Women aren’t ***** at such high rates. They don’t suffer from debilitating invalidation. Societal pressures to deliver a baby conceived by ****, nonexistent.
In a perfect world… Families are carefully planned with the right ingredients. Women aren’t the only ones getting the **** end of the stick trying to raise care build a better human than the ones already in the world. Once that child is grown s/he has three options become a well-adjusted cog in the clockwork of society become a criminal that actively tears at the seams of society or become an unexpected victim to society.
In a perfect world… Women aren’t brutalized just to satisfy a man’s ego. Our worth isn’t based on reproducing and rearing children. We aren’t objectified; cut, chopped and reassembled like slabs of meat a butcher can trim on a whim. The v between our knees and the ******* on our chests aren’t the most coveted features of a feminine figure. Our brains and intelligence are the commodities, plus they last longer. We band together in an effort to empower one another.