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Jun 2015
Hollow is the repercussions I feel,
And shame is the tyrant of lucid imagery.
   Weak is the management I failed to seek,
And time is the master of foiled leniency.

Nails crawl at my spine and claw at my skin,
For a time I thought that they would become weak.
Wood saws at my mind and pinches my toes,
For a time I thought I may hold victor.

Hollow were the adverse consequences I felt,
And shame was a florescent picture.
Weak weak the advice that I had failed to strive for,
And time was-
Time is-
Time, it will always be-
The mastered version of foiled leniency.
It's the first time I've really written in a while, sorry if it's a little rough around the edges. I hope you enjoy. :-)
Cat Sommer
Written by
Cat Sommer
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