i won't ask for help unless i'm certain i can make it on my own because if i'm not going to, no help will help
i don't talk about my real feelings i'd rather to pretend to have the ones i should so why should anyone trust me? i'm a liar i'm a good person, but am i? i say i don't judge but of course i do; this world is too ****** i'm ****** up from the get go before my real life started, i was destroyed and just when i was supposed to find freedom i had to find survival first i'll never say what i want; i don't think i deserve it i will not ask for anyone to understand i always think i've done something wrong that's a feeling i am used to
i'm supposed to be most dangerous because i know i can survive? how about -- i'm your weakest link because i am deathly afraid to go back to where i've been? i'm supposed to know i have the strength i'm supposed to use what i've been through to my advantage how about -- you could knock me out with a good plan and a nice final leaving line? how about -- you could hit me in the face and i would feel, deeply, that i deserved it? what if i told you i feel that i am the most vulnerable soul walking the earth, and i can barely stand to type it because, well... who is going to use it against me? they tried to crush me when they thought i was strong. they did.