It is one of the fifty five ways to find a friend, Do they plead ignorance when you need it the most? Do they hold up that gentle facade till the very end?
When you don't need reality, Do they make it go away with something witty?
Even with grief and sorrow written all over their faces, Do they laugh , laugh and laugh, till they don't have to hide their tears? Do they call you home when you are moping in your dark spaces?
Can they hide their sorrow, To Make you forget your fated tomorrow?
Their eyes may wrinkle a little lesser each time they smile, Their voices may not quite seem to be fully existent, But you are still taken by their mirth, as a balm for a while.
*Oh how I pity the departing soul that doesn't have friends that they didn't buy, But how much more pity I have, for those whose friends cannot lie.