The dead trees give off life The barren branches grow green The brown grass becomes lush The flowers become fruitful The sun shows its face And the warmth shows proof For spring has come
The months of dying have ended The season of laments has drawn to a close As warmth has come to our land The frozen ground has thawed As the snow has melted away And the cold has left the air For spring has come
We live in the cool morning Dwell in the warm afternoon Then sleep in the cold night Spring has come As our days get longer And our nights become shorter For spring is here
The air is filled with singing We build houses and plant gardens We wed and have sons and daughters We fiind sons for our wives And we give our daughters into marriage And they too will have sons and daughters And we seek peace in this warming spring
Time of growing has come about A time where all sad things will come untrue We will live for all good things And the life of the world in which we live We leave our small houses And we venture into the unknown For spring has come
We venture from our comfortable dwellings Into centers of pain To go to hell on earth To give life to the lifeless Hope to the hopeless Life for the world For all sad things are becoming untrue
For He will wipe away the tears from all eyes Death will become no more Pain will pass away from us The season is changing Crying and mourning will be but a memory For all things will pass away in their time And all things will be made new
This time of summer is coming Spring has come In this spring all is being made new For The Lord is coming But Summer will arrive And all things will be new For The Lord will have come