and the gathering the gathering of people yearning true! THE TRUE GATHERING! now! ..... THIS THE ONLY "REVOLUTION! and so "i see you!" ---------
simple the seed, yes?...yes, my friend, i am asking you! for many the countless things, many the horrible .....many the wonderful. in a while....PERHAPS DOOM shall run in course inside us all some shall fall in the road some shall carry them to the end ..............
deep within....PERFECT STRENGTH ....PERFECT JOY PERFECT INNOCENCE........but we must choose to STAND IN THE LIGHT AND GATHER THE FRUIT with naked body, soul, and mind .............
in simple meditation and with full discipline we write our NAME down and let the world see all the just and sweet all that is gentle and wise all that is you all that is me all that is the ONE COMMUNITY OF THE CREATED CREATING HUMANITY