coming into view WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE! you are not as weak as you pretend you are not as frightened as you'd have us believe --- greed the master the king the guru the thief the king ------------
in softly placed down images all are known ------------------------------------- --------------------------------- and so...again! we are such lovely specimens, such creatures of wonder!.... such the munificence of our possibility such the splendor revealed once we stop hiding within the ignorance of hero worship and subservience! .... thank nobody but yourself!,,,,, serve all creatures as yourself! yield to nothing but your TRUE SELF! who is really the fool? who is really fooling anyone? ........ to say "i love you" is easy but not as easy as TO LOVE .......... feeling grateful all the time for human greatness and possibility for you are the source of strength the seed of pregnant possibility each and every body surly this is easily known ----------------------
the love songs linger the thieves slip into your mind demanding credit and gratitude but we are simple thus wise we are not afraid of our strength and so our love survives to feed the children and the world again