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Jun 2015
.... ( & , of course -- Harry )


True Poetry comes alive today as the meadows melt

And the naked women dance and play

Amid the hydrangeas and bougainvillea

Turning into layered depths of chrysanthemums

And pain !

And memories of your soft  alabaster moonlight

Skimming across fractured feelings once thought aloud

But now lost in the silence of preternatural abandonment

Amid gooseberries !


She makes love before 1000 tiny eyes !

The children wave their penises and razor blades

Unto the starless starry sky amid the sunrise solitude

Of vast city streets of depth defying words

Twisting about in the wind

That never shall be ours again !!!


My love !


I remember something about you now and then

Oh yes !

How I hate you for something ( I can't remember )

But hate is necessary for there to be love


The night departs and Mars marries Venus

On the D-train


The twisted oaks of youth play stickball


( in Brooklyn )

and alas

I go Home


at last

My poem's done !

And only the scent of



Written by
jeffrey robin
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