breathe in the air for me because I can't bright but dark and suffocating, the stars squeeze me, watching as they dance through each other like
french tips tapping on a foggy windowpane pale blue grey lips trembling as they tug up at the corner the elegant stretched fingers of mannerism - alien, beautiful, silver and glowing and throwing away all that came before, looking toward the future, already there, waiting for me waiting for us to catch up
breathe for me because I can't neck stretched too far, too far back eyes cast toward the darkness, lips open, screaming, quiet as the planets swirl in the deafening distance and I bury my nails in my sides and it burns like
acid rain hissing as it strikes the ground a high ringing somewhere in the distance in this empty office stage lights striking the tops of eyelashes in the right position - comforting and familiar, warm but the eyelashes tremble and it's all you can see, the only light in a dark room that could be stretching on forever, blinding light, burning and staying for hours after as you sit, waiting, waiting for sight waiting for sight to catch up