I don't think that I have the power to relate what I know of you through the prism of a narrative. I tried to tell your story yesterday in my carefully constructed grammatically correct way. Failing miserably at a proper biography, as you deserve, I must recount what I know in the only way I can.
Within my heart live a series of images, memories burned into me by the intensity of our meetings and the ferocity of the late night phone calls born of that chemical with no name, equal parts sorrow and flame.
It was easy to find you, but God it was hard to leave. From the first kiss to the last and everything in between.
I don't know how many times you called me crying so hard that you couldn't even speak. How many times you told me that you wanted to die without even a second thought for what those words did to my heart. I accepted it all though, every single strand of you, gave you all the love I knew how.
There is no word for the sorrow that comes with knowing that I couldn't save you from yourself. It didn't matter how many razors I took from your trembling hands, how much blood I wiped from your thigh or how many tears I shed for you.
At the end, that last night and morning just a week ago now, you looked right through me with eyes that didn't see. I took you in my arms and there was nothing. The girl I knew and loved doesn't exist anymore.
I'm sorry that you had to die in my heart, but know that I loved you enough for it to be killing me inside. I guess that the boy in me is gone now, since I walked away anyway. I didn't cry, I don't regret it. You're just one more ghost after all.