She yerned for more as the traces shown clear. Yet another always seems to follow the last in the fire that leaves you numb. And in that lost emotion is when she yerns for it most and the flesh is but a vessel left to bargain.
Track mark tragedy in a clear junkies view. Pushed in vein taken from time often we exist only to fade from light. The beauty now a trainwreck of what could no longer be.
In *** she travels from self only to drown in thought. Maybe this time just for the fix. Soiled thoughts the picture never paints a suicides face.
A addict was created a scar is past. Futures dim lit regression ****** left in shadows still remain.
That feeling none can explain for how is it to understand death in lifes last thought? Two lips togather leaves one ina dope sick splendor to thrive. In the depths of a adiction is when to me love is least alive.
She ask's for more blood does glisten from arm. It's gone a liars need must reply. Why fade when you can catch a fix slumbed lifeless in a stall.
In the shadows we consume the shallow means to still linger. touch of gold a dust of reapers skelton finger.
She cries to as a empty soul filled in a addicts thought. Will it fade in sadness a broken thought is but a dreams half *** reprize.