How shocked was I when my mistress, Filthy Fiona, Told me one summer's day she had one up the spout; After all, the silly ***** was on the pill (and in any case Half the time my seed had gone up the lesser used route). But, accidents will happen when you least expect them: Maybe her recent attack of diarrheoa had upset the apple cart. O, how relieved was I when she told me she had booked herself in To the Marylebone Abortion Clinic for a good old pump-out session; And, even better (much better), I wasn't expected to foot the bill As her private health insurance would cover it nicely, Thank you very much indeed, God bless you, my darlin'; The excessive premiums were clearly a fine investment.
Like the gent I am, I offered to drive her there in my pink Porsche 911, But she insisted I need only pick her up after the remedial session As she had made other travel arrangements to get there; and One cannot argue with a dame under such trying circumstances. How I would have relished the amusement of those who saw the **** Arrive in one bloke's car, deposited caringly with a consoling hug, And collected by a different chappie, with a kiss on her plump cheek. But, after all, 'twas only fair I found out later (with a gay grin) When she told me she really had no idea who the father was Although her two selected chauffeurs were the best two bets. How I laud the foresight of the percipient abortion law reformers: Our sad world has more than enough unwanted ******* as it is.