a wanting body survives in a dream never forgotten to be real alive a correct being who survives the daily life of aquatints knowing what each person thinks of ya learning to use it against them or is that love and friends building your life in society a world to rule the other wanna be using all of my senses the music the art the books my bike baseball swimming exercise vs none making my being be modern sports car oceans mountains all leading the pack living all the illusion coming back to reality stronger in the face of lifes journey alive means more then love to me burning energy the thrill of being all win by paying the bills letters of certificates completed now free to contemplate the freedom of life I write these words to glorify the nature of being white self contained bill payer no debts on people to collect against me slept in my car for 10 years to avoid reality I strode thru life surley posture ***** breathing complete breaths knowing a being with in me cosmic consciousness the collected consciousness of humans believing life is real good my heart runs over onto my sleeves dripping the blood onto humanity the beggar pleading to be held up for being alive alone in self contained writings my years have left all I have known in caskets or cremated in flames I am happy to know the dreams of a boy lived in a man a survivor in the calamity of time a jest is not within me the reality of life is ever lasting eternity....to know this life again the body is alive radiating goose bumps prevail to tell the living from the dying a society out grown yet the life remains in love tears of memory the great ocean full each wave a remembrance of bounty in love of life.... gjmars 5/30/15