Let us all be equal now which is a sequel to let us all not, son of some gun don't you want me to run with the idea of a nuclear family where each has enough to get by on and we all get a living we can try out and live on? equality under the sun.
Every Autumn that strips the trees bare I am there letting leaves through my fingers to fall, where I wear the crown of a fool, they never taught nature at school nor *** education or pollution just adherence to rules and now the rules have all broken as we are all taken to the next stop on the road, but the next season explodes exposing even more roots and the roads are all clogged up as we are all bogged down and the leaves are still tumbling down.
Down is recurring, a nightmare, unnerving but it's down where we go where the nights hang on low to the light in our eyes, dampened and cramped we are stamped disapproval ripe for removal and the leaves come tumbling down.
They burn bunsen burners to turn liquid to gold or that's what we're told, sows ears and purses, pockets full of curses and it's my mind full of verses that fires my sight
The quality of mercy being equality is strained and we the minority are being drained of all will, will the sequel be better, will we all get an Oscar an Emmy or doesn't anyone care?