There will never be a forever me But don't worry about my demise Don't worry about how you treated me Just file yourselves inside The double doors will fit you all I'm sure they'll open wide. When the preacher starts he'll say something wise. But don't worry about my demise
I won't have to worry about what is said I'm sure they're mostly lies Maybe he'll say, "he lived and loved" To which I'd laugh and say "The preacher man, he got one right, At least until today." He'd continue his speech you'll dry your eyes. But don't worry about my demise
It wasn't that love came hard for me In fact it often came too quick It was poorly timed oft undermined By friends who said they cared They never believed my love was real So don't worry about my demise
And on that day of my demise I hope at least one will say "I loved him more, but never said The words we all should say. "Sometimes love is a rotten beast who steals and cheats and lies. He deserved more from each of us. Or someone before his demise."