Is our society evolving guided by our own hand cruelty and destruction accepted quietly? As if a totally normal part of our daily toil those working trying to pay the bills. Encouraged to buy what they can't afford increasing debt misery is assured!
Others they want but have no credit rating the message you must have money! The gap widens as those big bucks go to the few envy and resentment grows! Hope can only come with more shared accord when interest replaces being bored!
Don't cut the budget is what the ***** shout but it falls on deaf ears! Through excessive governments bad policies greed and material wealth rules! An ideology buried deep within western thinking now spreading thought patterns linking.
The cliff edge is very close stop now or fall should be the warning to us all!
The Foureyed Poet.
There has been many warnings about the state of our society. But few seem to heed that warning! Is! the cliff edge close? The Foureyed Poet.