the essence of this is independence the solo dance the one we are born into. the confidence to step, step by step, alone.
the essence of my youth is this realizing I had my interests best reigns in my hands, instant success. thankful to those along the path, who felt my light, my heat, my heart, well before I invest.
the essence of the black hole, my infatuation clearer now. you experience independence, the systems of existence have no chance with you. you stand alone, yet! await the other side. I must be born of you.
of the land of independence of the tribes, of the scribes greatest tales. the independent that Sun too gazes back upon. the birthing black hole.
the balance here, now, of independence and creator. perfection real, so nothing to strive for, but to love more. so I love you more and I thank God I witness.
and I receive the plant message, relationships, the interdependence, is solely for nourishment. I will nourish you. I'm built for it.