magnetized, i stand, muse of far off lands, as for nourishment i reach, these remind of thee; reflections each are we, soldiers all... sailors, tossed about on stormy sea, thirsty souls in paper boats, as, in need of simple hope each the other read, you... my poetic anchor be; as another’s soil i dream; like magnets on my fridge your words on page, my bridge doorway to the heart of thee.
*post script.
to my poet friends, both known and unknown with most un-met... yet, this rambling spilled as i reached this morning for nourishment from my refrigerator after reading your many wonderful and uplifting writes. my new profile pic helps to tell the story.
wishing you peace on this Memorial Day weekend... may those lost to thee, ever rest in peace!
(Memorial Day- a designated day in the US for remembrance of those beloved souls whom we lost too soon.)
love to you... each and every one, old friends and new!