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May 2015
What if I told you there was a place.
where souls come, go, get lost.
For us few,there's just not enough disk space.
Even then, we shall continue to Praise.

My only hope is a controlled chemical reaction.
Neurotransmission is my only way to the celestial.
The closer to man, the bigger gravitational interaction.
The loneliness of a lost soul is nothing exceptional.

We all are on the receiving end of an unanswered prayer.
All these questions we do not know, our faith rarely grows.
The sweat, blood, and tears of lost men forms a giant layer
Over the entire earth; only then we might know.

Do these Heavenly deities feel the need to inspire?
The world is becoming more and more apathetic.
The souls of these sheep no longer have the herdsman to acquire.
All places once filled with beauty; ran outa' the need for aesthetics.

A species with infinite passion and potential
Have been left behind by these loving Saints.
Curse our flaws, through gods eyes, we seem inconsequential.
The suppression of our souls and emotions have made us faint.

God waits to bless all these souls who have become refugees.
You cannot live this life waiting to die. DO GREAT THINGS.
These expensive chemical reactions forced upon my body & Soul.
Lo, even if i do make the right choices, I seemingly never find the King.

The almighty likes to play that sick game of hide and seek.
On this morning, I cry, and cry more to fill this creek.
That is headed directly towards the castle.
Gods love is so bright; it cannot ever be used as a crutch.

We can all be blinded by the expectation of blessings.
Fight, fight, fight because you cannot come out of retirement in life.
Soon you shall see greater beauty and emotional bliss
Than you could have ever even prayed for.

Patience.Β Β It's the spirit of a higher power can make the difference.
Seek knowledge about god and all religion is important business.
Ask with honesty, and god promised to be there for assistance.
We are all sons and daughters of him/her, let's all beat this sickness.

This war and never ending hiding is coming to an end.
Soon, his flock will return like an old friend.
Lucifer, Oh Lucifer, stay back from thee.
How much can go wrong in a day....well a lot for me, but so many more had it much worse.Β Β I hate catching myself feeling sorry for myself.
Shawn H Reeder
Written by
Shawn H Reeder  Idaho
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