I can sense excess epinephrine, or norepinphrine, clouding my judgement, These adrenergic sons of Entactus; The cathinone is but simple amphetamine's beta-ketone younger-cousin.
Replaced a methyl group with a fluoro one and mephedrone's little brother was born: The adorable flephedrone, don't be fooled though.
The stimulant is a chancer and a trickster, Though this one seems more empathogenic than its brother; I may be in danger of learning something.
I maintain there is less to learn than they would take but perhaps I can moderate a fair trade. Hard to say. Of 4-MethylMethCathinone and 4-FluoroMethCathinone, Both entactogens promote ego but whereas 4-MMC is closer to speed-amphetamine 4-FMC has some empathogenic quality.
Interesting that such a small change in molecule creates such noticeably differing subjective effect. Any difference in toxicity must also be accounted for.