A young man was once feared of being called gay so he went out for baseball and every other sport boys played he tryed hard in gym, became homecomming king, and went through the birds and the bees he even had the ladies crawling back on thier knees he joined the army he would be the most masculine example he would imagine he was happy but deep down he feared he still might be gay he had a way about him that other people caught unto they noticed he'd make rings and such in his free time just because the boy liked to sew and make prettys things that would shine and glow he figured he had a touch of **** he figured because he liked bright things and occasionally would watch a few chick flicks and cry that he was'nt man enough that he was'nt tough enough because in america boys dont cry thier taught to hold there feelings inside and soon this man was withered and old and through the years he gave up on the bright things he figured he'd rather be unhappy then thought of as gay so the day that he was on his deathbed he finally admitted it