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May 2015
I have let you in
Every time you asked me to
I have held your hand
Every time you were about to fall
I think I had the right
To call you my safe haven
But today when my feet ran
out of the ground
Your arms were too occupied
to catch me

I wished I could give you the world
But I already gave you everything
that was mine
And all these words I say
Mean nothing to you
They melt and dissolve
I no longer want to look
Maybe they will find lips
Of someone new
Who might appreciate the love
You could never see in them

I have burnt myself
To give you warmth
I have fought the world
To get a minute with you alone
I have fallen from grace
Just because you asked me to
I probably would do it again
Without ever blinking twice
So why is it when I want the same
Your pace falters

Why you can't do with effort
What I did out of love;
So effortlessly
Where is your love
When I need you to show it
Why am I only sought
When you have got nobody
And even though I know we no longer
Are a thing officially
I wonder where did all your love get buried
Written by
Aditi  20/F/India
   Allie Boswell
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