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May 2015
Damaged beyond control. Turning to the blade and the bottle. Torn and withered he falls to his knees. Looking to God and asking why, while begging please. Asking for forgiveness and a saving grace. Lost in the world and in love looking for his place. Then one day a girl caught his eye, and seemed to stop his breath. Just one glance took away the sorrow until none was left. Was this the angel he so desperately needed, the one God sent after he pleaded. A miracle to his life, someone he envisioned as a wife. She looked at him like no other and filled the dark created by his mother. With every kiss, and every touch he couldn't say I love you enough. Stroking her face, rubbing her head and holding her tight, hazing at her eyes for hours every night. His soul has been found and his heart filled with joy, a girl named Miracle reached in the dark and found a boy. They grew and grew, loved, cried, made love. The stars shined bright for these two from the heavens above. A miracle occurred in an unlikely place all by a girl named Miracle and one look at her beautiful face.
Rough but IDC. Enjoy.
Noel Tabu Arteaga
Written by
Noel Tabu Arteaga
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