when the time comes that time is no more and the union of body to soul ,no longer a lore, then heaven's door is nearer the earth's floor and stars align with planets like the lines of a sonnet And You shall be resurrected with all Your glory ascended upon the heavens, descended here to fill us with rapture our spirits in Your hands, capture
My God, My gracious Lord we herald Your second coming In triumph, Your face a-beaming seeing You when trumpets sound the judgment call, I ask where will I be my Lord? where will you take me? for the love I feel no words could ever make real only my mind talks and You understand here I kneel where you stand
My Lord cleanse me of sins past bring me to Your kingdom at last.... for I have always known the unknown and love You from afar I stake no claim on reason or rhyme I believe without the benefit of sight I don't know where it comes from it is beyond my comprehension So when You walk upon this earth once more take me in Your arms , forevermore........... then time ceases to be and You are all I see