I am that girl. The strong girl. The conqueror. The positive one. I am the one who surprises everyone. The outgoing, social one. The happy one And thanks to those people, that is also who I want to be. But this girl is also the girl who constantly dissappoints herself. She is the one who loves and forgives everyone without second thought, but struggles to love and forgive herself. The weak, fragile, and afraid one. The one who sees how bad things could really get. The one who realizes that the “rock bottom” that she hit in the past was just a lucky ledge, caught on the way into the dark abyss. She, the terrified little girl, with monsters in her mind, She sees that it gets darker, and is constantly praying that the sun in her life won’t set. But she’s also one who loves the pitch black silence of middle of the night because it’s nice knowing that the world she’s putting on a front for is asleep and unaware. She is the one who has struggled and suffered. She is the one who always will. But she is the fighter, not the quitter. She, herself, is victory.
There is so much that nobody knows. There is so much more to me.