Getting drunk on stolen alcohol is the best I've got right now This smoke burns my throat, really bad. I why would it though? It's killing me, but, isn't that what I want? My life isn't treating me like everyone else, Everyone else is happy, while I'm sitting in the corner of my room, getting drunk. To numb what I hate, feeling. I just want to get rid of all the pain in my life, you know? Just end it, but that involves illegal things. What the hell, you only get one life to live, why not have fun with mine? Do stupid things that seem great in my mind, but are just bad. I want to know how much I can get away with.. But I need friends to do it with. If I don't then it's useless, I need to build the bonds again. But all I'm going to do is sit in the corner of my room and get drunk off my stolen alcohol, and smoke my stolen cigarettes. It seems to be the only thing I can do, I don't have a car or a job, so I'm stuck here, in my stupid little corner, full of no hope.