You are the light that shines brighter than any star, you're a gem riddled with flaws but that's not what makes you who you are.
You're my candle that glitters in the night - you may not have always been there for me but hey don't dwell on it; it really is alright.
You may be a bit big (quite a chunky monkey) and yeah you've lost most of your hair - but now you're here beside me and for all your faults, I simply don't care.
For this Christmas I want to give you something special; I wrote this poem from the bottom of my heart, powered by that beautiful life and strength you gave me right from the very start.
I give you something no one can ever take away; a present that can never be touched, never be seen, nor heard, but can always be had -
on this fine Christmas Day, I just wanted to say I love you Dad.