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Aug 2015
You brainwash me,
With ads and TV.
You show me that I'm not skinny enough,
You show me that I'm not smart enough,
You show me to reveal more skin,
Simply because I'm a girl.
There's no escape from the zombies that follow the magazines.
Or the ones that mindlessly stare at phones constantly.
I'm told to be a stick, with blonde hair and blue eyes,
I'm told that I'm loved, but for what?
By whom?

Does that mean I'm not enough?
Was everyone else born wearing makeup?
You say I'm free to follow,
but you drag me screaming on the ground.
Prosecuted for making the smallest sound
So leave me alone and take the hypnotized idiots,
I'll keep my place in life,
and my meaningful existence.
Rachael A Gentry
Written by
Rachael A Gentry  Earth
   D, Rosen Blanche and Leyla Jude
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