Right now I’m struggling with my weight I honestly hate how I look I’m always comparing myself to other girls to the point my feelings get hurt I don’t have a thigh gap my ***** are really huge my stomach sticks out when I sit then hangs when I stand I can’t wear a pair of jeans without looking like a whale Sometimes I wish I could cut off my fat so I can be happy with what I see I wish I looked like the skinny girls you see all over Tumblr I sit in the shower and cry as I tear myself down for an hour I feel like everyone is disgusted with me whenever I go out in public I feel so huge next to anyone so I perfer to stand by myself I wish this battle with myself would end I hate hiding my body I just wish I was tiny like other girls so I can stop disgusting everybody
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: November. 13, 2014 Thursday 4:14 A.M.