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Apr 2015
I was never there,praise be.
Lucky English woman, glad to be free.
As men and women, we are all doomed youth indeed.
Born to expire at the end of the line.
When the time be right to to bid all goodnight, if we're able.
Never set foot on a battlefield luckily.
Breathing relief.
Stood in a war graveyard just up the road.
My head bowed in respect.
Now it's time for worlds and words to break,as war crimes take up their ministerial minions.
Mistakes, unforgiving.
Deception deceiving.
There will be light at the end of the tunnel, where spiders dwell and *******, poor immigrants as swimming ants are struggling to stay afloat.
Landing on a promised land, the water's deep can't touch the sand beneath the feet, death may be sweet release.
Travelers and smuggler's making fun of immigrants trying to reach the sun.
My thoughts are with the lost.
Title inspired by Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth.
Olivia Kent
Written by
Olivia Kent  Southampton, Hampshire.
(Southampton, Hampshire.)   
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