Oh, you are deep inside my soul and how I love you beyond reason. You are my love beyond love! Some nights I die in my soul my heart breaking. Oh, how I break down and cry for your love! Can you ever understand what goes on in this man? Oh, how I would die just to hold your hand. Oh, how I push my love over the borderline! Your love is my life and without it I'm just a dying man. Oh, how want of your love tears every fiber of my brain! Oh, how I love you beyond my heart and soul! Oh, your touch is more precious than the finest gold. Oh, without your love the world turns to a nightmare all black and dreadful all pain and foreboding in the darkest night. But with the touch of your fingertips my heart and soul come to life and the world is filled with the sweet fragrance of your love and a love song for you drifts from an open door to the depths of my heart a song of my eternal devotion to you. Oh, with your love there is life! And without you there can only be death to hold you in my arms is heaven on earth and to be devoid of your love only the pits of hell!