The sky was blood red From the stars bleeding heart The weeping of the moon Left a mist in the midnights air
My soul - the moon Had melted that night Turning a once blue sky, To a now, deep shade of red The once happy sunshine filled sky Was now darkened, from one heart Broken, with despise
The sky hid inside The cloud filled tear As our only wish, relied on a single star A dream to last only until Its final destination burning out Of falling to ground Never to be thought of again.
A soulful thought, With a hopeful beat Once makes a stand Now forced to take a seat Once a star Now just another color Blending into the deep sky Setting back more with each glimpse Until finally it has faded To nothing.
The sky wore purple bruises Trying to mask the violence Taking out on a un protected soul Covered in pain Lashed in lies, To be looked upon Or thought of Never the same -again
I weep like the willow As I sit here staring at her grave Rope burns in my mind Her swinging body Lifeless I would find.