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Apr 2015
You can never go back to the start, never start to begin to unwind the string that pulls little levers that turn lights on the parts in the dark or never piece together the beats in the heart of a heart.

You can never go back and the start of it is when you draw your first breath and the rest follows on where each day is the start of the day of your death.

Even Well's, who never knew better, knew better not to try to go back to the day when you first start to die.

A little off track but you can never go back and off track here or there is okay, we all wear a hat for a day and all that but each hat brings us nearer to the end where it's clearer and if all else fails you can get on the next boat that sails off the end of the Earth where your Mothers gave birth to you.

See what you're doing?
you're going to back to the ruin and the ruin becomes what you've always been doing.

A touch of the see-saw, a bit up and down, a Saturday night getting ****** in the town and puking up in the park, it's all turning the lights on the parts in the dark, the levers are cleavers that slash at your heart, you can never go back to the start
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John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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