When this life flashes quickly across the lens of my eyes and all the truths that I've known, (...the chickens coming home) and the lies stripped away of my life in that day and I'm shown new horizons, with the lens of my eyes on the flash that always dies on the third stroke of three, I wonder what will I see? Will it be angels with harps or cherubs and tarts?
Death must be like Christmas for some, the last present to unwrap before the sinking of the Sun, and the newborn infanta is Jesus dressed up as a Santa, ** ** **, Oh, is that ecclesiastically correct?
I direct several queries but the boatman, he wearies of the same old rock to the roll and he tells me to wait, I wait but don't see, I'm in a blindfold with a pin in my hand trying to stick it into the tail end of a promise that was the promised land and if that's all there is to it I may as well wait a bit or at least until the next boat comes in