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Apr 2015
By: Cedric McClester

I’ve heard believers often state
In the name of religion God is great
While they produce nothing but hate
Which serves to encourage the debate
If they valued what they had
How come they always seem so mad

In the name of religion the things we do
Whether we’re Christian Muslim or Jew
Are the kind of things we should eschew
Those things we’re all taught not to do

I’ve seen some folks who proselytize
And wear religion like a disguise
But before too long you realize
They’re people that you should despise
For what they do not what they say
Cos they’re just hypocrites anyway

In the name of religion the things we do
Whether we’re Christian Muslim or Jew
Are the kind of thing we should eschew
Those things we’re all taught not to do

Some say religion should be abolished
Based on what is common knowledge
So few practice what they preach
Or truly believe the things they teach

And most religions seems convinced
That only theirs makes perfect sense
And sometimes that can be intense
When they’re not open and so hence
They require submission upon demand
But reject your beliefs out of hand

(c) Copyright 2015, Cedric McClester.  All rights reserved
Written by
Cedric McClester  New York, New York
(New York, New York)   
     Rosen Blanche
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